Tuesday 27 November 2018

Camp Thankyou letter

20 November 2018      

Dear Dad,
Thank You for coming on camp and driving me there and back. Here are some of my memories from camp. DAY 1
When we got to the APOEC (Arthurs Pass Outdoor Education Center) Gemma, the APOEC Leader told us where
everything was. Then we did some activities the activity I liked was the water pipe activity best.

Today we went on the Anti Crow hut walk. It was long and tiring. I liked the part when we did the river crossing.
I did not want to do it at first but later on I wanted to go again. In the end I found out that I wasn't as scary after all.

On day 3 we went and did a search and rescue challenge. We had to find a dummy named Bian. We followed clues
to find him. I think that the challenge was quite easy.

Thanks again for using up your time to came. It was great that you made us win the first to sleep competition two

Ngā mihi
Yours sincerely

Your youngest son (David)

Monday 26 November 2018

Multilink block activity.

Today we have been making shapes with blocks and drawing 4 views of it.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Monday 5 November 2018

Discriptive writing

At the monment in class we have been working on discriptive writing. We have been useing pictures to give us ideas of what to write about. Here is a piced of writing I did.

The Race To The Dinosaurs!!

The sound of ripped metal woke me. Red, sticky liquid trickles
down my forehead. The weight of my backpack was back
breaking. As I struggle around the chopper, sun rays reflect off
the windows. Bang, crash the rotablades slide down the
windscreen smashing the glass like some mad man. Whoosh,
I toppel out of the chopper. Splash I land in dazzling blue water.
Where was I and what just happened? The landscape had
changed since I fell out of the chopper. The wind groans in
agony as if it has been slammed against a rock face that looks
 like a dagger sticking out of the ground.

Then I realize that  I have gone back in time back into the dino
age! The army expedition that I was on has obviously gone
wrong! At least 12 feet away from me something was splashing
about in the water. As I get closer, I see It is a Pterodactyl.
The bird starts sinking. It’s drowning!  Within moments my
hands drag the dinosaur ball out of the water. I leave the bird
on the bank and walk away to find shelter. Crunch! I stop in my

I spin around ripping a laser gun out of my bag. Using the gun
scope I scan the area. A fumiler dinosaur ball zig zags in and
out of my legs. It was the pterodactyl again. I try to get away
from it but it is still  following me. It probably thinks that I am its
mother. Any way I was the one that rescued it.

After hours of searching, I come to what looks like a dug out
with trees over the entrance. “I think I will stay here,” I say. The
trees can block the wind for me. The pterodactyl which
 apparently is now my pet, goes out to find leaves and moss
to sleep on and food. 10 minutes later something lands on my
shoulder. “Hay don’t land so fast next time,” I say to the
pterodactyl. I take the leaves and moss into the dugout. ‘This
moss is heavier than I thought” I exclaim. Then 17 white turtle
eggs roll out of the moss. “So is this tonight's tea,” I say out
loud.  The pterodactyl replays in a screech as if to say yes..

Suddenly it struck me just like lightning. The thought that gets
rid of most of my hope. Will the humans come and find me?
Any way how did I get here in the first place? Well there is
other things to think about to pass time. I’m hungry. I think will
just have an egg.

Weeks and more weeks go by. Still not rescued. Will they ever
find me? The Adventure continues...