Tuesday 11 December 2018

My Animation.

HI This term we have been making animations. For my animation I made a forest one.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Camp Thankyou letter

20 November 2018      

Dear Dad,
Thank You for coming on camp and driving me there and back. Here are some of my memories from camp. DAY 1
When we got to the APOEC (Arthurs Pass Outdoor Education Center) Gemma, the APOEC Leader told us where
everything was. Then we did some activities the activity I liked was the water pipe activity best.

Today we went on the Anti Crow hut walk. It was long and tiring. I liked the part when we did the river crossing.
I did not want to do it at first but later on I wanted to go again. In the end I found out that I wasn't as scary after all.

On day 3 we went and did a search and rescue challenge. We had to find a dummy named Bian. We followed clues
to find him. I think that the challenge was quite easy.

Thanks again for using up your time to came. It was great that you made us win the first to sleep competition two

Ngā mihi
Yours sincerely

Your youngest son (David)

Monday 26 November 2018

Multilink block activity.

Today we have been making shapes with blocks and drawing 4 views of it.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Monday 5 November 2018

Discriptive writing

At the monment in class we have been working on discriptive writing. We have been useing pictures to give us ideas of what to write about. Here is a piced of writing I did.

The Race To The Dinosaurs!!

The sound of ripped metal woke me. Red, sticky liquid trickles
down my forehead. The weight of my backpack was back
breaking. As I struggle around the chopper, sun rays reflect off
the windows. Bang, crash the rotablades slide down the
windscreen smashing the glass like some mad man. Whoosh,
I toppel out of the chopper. Splash I land in dazzling blue water.
Where was I and what just happened? The landscape had
changed since I fell out of the chopper. The wind groans in
agony as if it has been slammed against a rock face that looks
 like a dagger sticking out of the ground.

Then I realize that  I have gone back in time back into the dino
age! The army expedition that I was on has obviously gone
wrong! At least 12 feet away from me something was splashing
about in the water. As I get closer, I see It is a Pterodactyl.
The bird starts sinking. It’s drowning!  Within moments my
hands drag the dinosaur ball out of the water. I leave the bird
on the bank and walk away to find shelter. Crunch! I stop in my

I spin around ripping a laser gun out of my bag. Using the gun
scope I scan the area. A fumiler dinosaur ball zig zags in and
out of my legs. It was the pterodactyl again. I try to get away
from it but it is still  following me. It probably thinks that I am its
mother. Any way I was the one that rescued it.

After hours of searching, I come to what looks like a dug out
with trees over the entrance. “I think I will stay here,” I say. The
trees can block the wind for me. The pterodactyl which
 apparently is now my pet, goes out to find leaves and moss
to sleep on and food. 10 minutes later something lands on my
shoulder. “Hay don’t land so fast next time,” I say to the
pterodactyl. I take the leaves and moss into the dugout. ‘This
moss is heavier than I thought” I exclaim. Then 17 white turtle
eggs roll out of the moss. “So is this tonight's tea,” I say out
loud.  The pterodactyl replays in a screech as if to say yes..

Suddenly it struck me just like lightning. The thought that gets
rid of most of my hope. Will the humans come and find me?
Any way how did I get here in the first place? Well there is
other things to think about to pass time. I’m hungry. I think will
just have an egg.

Weeks and more weeks go by. Still not rescued. Will they ever
find me? The Adventure continues...  


Tuesday 16 October 2018

My Bird Report.

                         Rendered Image

Rendered Image

What is the grey warbler
A gray warbler is a New Zealand native bird. Gray warblers are small birds which only
weigh 6 grams. 20 grey warblers make the weight of 1 tui.

Where are you most likely to find the grey warblers
They live all throughout NZ. They are found mostly on the West Coast (South Island)
and around Auckland (North island). You can only find them in NZ ( we call this
endemic).  They have a trilling song.

The grey warblers feeding behavior
They have a habit of hovering  over plants to get the food they are hunting. They eat
caterpillars, flies, beetles, moths and other small invertebrates( animals that do not
have spine).

They breed in spring and summer. Females lay 3 - 5 eggs per clutch.
They make a nest that hangs from a branch. It is pear shaped and there is two little
entrances at both ends of the nest. They make two nest every season. They line their nest
with, moss, wool, thistledown.

Do the grey warbler live in pairs
The grey warblers live in a pair of A male and female.

The threats of a grey warbler

The shining cuckoo. The female shining cuckoo takes away one of the warblers eggs
and replaces it with one of her own eggs. The grey \warbler does not no about this and
raises the egg as her own.  After hatching the cuckoo chick ejects the other gray warbler
nestlings from the nest and is raised alone by the grey warbler parents.



Wednesday 19 September 2018

Thursday 13 September 2018

Toondo work

WALT create a cartoon on Toondo.
WALT convey a specific message to our audience to our topic work. Toondo class time

Friday 7 September 2018

infogaphic goggel drawing.

InfographicImage result for recycling symbols
Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4

Science/Social Science learning goals
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive
impact our actions can have on these environments.

Image result for plastic pollution
Success criteria;
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our
  • environment.


Task: Create an infographic showing people how they can reduce their waste in
their lunchbox.   

Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.

Wherer to next reading work.

Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4Image result for recycling symbols

Turning Old into New


Science/Social Science learning goals Image result for plastic pollution
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive
impact our actions can have on these environments.

Success criteria;

identify and explain some of the issues facing our environment today
identify some of the negative impacts humans are having on the environment
identify some positive actions people are taking both here and around the world to try
and help look after our environment.
identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our

learn about our local bush track and creek and identify some ways in which we can help
to look after (kaitiakitanga) these areas.

Reading Learning Goals

-I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
-I am learning to use illustrations, text boxes, charts and graphs to help me make inferences so
I get more information from the text.

-I am learning to use more than one text, in print or electronic formats, to gather and check the
accuracy of information.

-I am learning to read a wide range of texts (e.g. encyclopaedias, websites, newspapers)  to
gather and check information on a topic.

-I am learning to explain why the author has written a text.
-I am learning to read and understand text that contains academic and topic-specific vocabulary.

Read the text, ‘Turning Old Into New’ and then complete the following activities.

  1. Why is recycling a good idea? Because we can reuse it and make it in to things like
  2. clothing, furnisher.

  1. How many tons of rubbish do New Zealanders send to landfills every year? NZers  send
  2. 2,5 million  tonnes of rubbish to dumps a each year.

  1. When rubbish breaks down what gas does it produce?  What environmental problem
  2. doewawds this contribute to? It produces  Co2 and methane. It contributes global
  3. warming.

  1. Complete this sentence:  Everything we use is made from  Earth's  Natural Resources.

  1. Explain where these resources come from;

Wood: comes from trees.

Metal: It comes from rock that is mined from the ground.

Plastic: The Plastic is made from oil.

6) How does oil form? Oil forms from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of year

7) What are some of the things glass can be recycled into? Smashed glass or unused glass
bottles in greymouth can be taken to the hokitika
glass blowing shop and be reshaped into things like glass cups, mirrors, and also small fragile
things like glass kiwis , glass birds, and other glass things.

8) What are some of the things cardboard can be recycled into? Cardboard can be made into /
turned into, newsprint, writing paper, toilet paper, and egg cartoons.

9) What can plastic with the number 1 be recycled into? The number 1 plastic bottles can be
recycled into, soft drink bottles, pillows, and sleeping bags.  

10)  Attach a google drawing here that explains how number 1 plastics can be turned into

11) What are microfibres and what is the problem with them?  Microfibre is the stuff that comes
of our clothes and they go down the drain and into the sea and ruins our sea life and the sea
life food chain.

12) What is Earth Overshoot day? Earth overshoot day is when we use more resources from
the earth than the earth can reproduce in one year.

Glossary - Write what these words mean

Atoms: the tiny particle of a substance.

Carded: fibres.

Global Warming: It IS when the earth's atmosphere gets warmer and the ice in the north and
south pole is melting.

Malt: barley or other gran that has been used for brewing beer.

Natural resources: things that made naturally from our earth.

Synthetic: something that is made by humans and is the result of combining is different

In class we will be working on projects looking at issues around rubbish and what we can do to
help reduce this problem.  

Video Links

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Maui and the big Ika.

Play Summary - Term 3 Weeks 1-2

For the next two weeks you are working in groups to practise and perform a
play. This is using our oral language and reading skills in literacy. Our key
competency focus is participating and contributing.

For writing your task is to summarise the main events in your play in three

paragraphs. You must plan your writing first but it is up to you how you do your
planning.  You must also write a fourth paragraph about your experience of
practising and performing your play.

Yr 6
I am learning to organise my text into paragraphs which begin with a main idea and contain
supporting information/detail.
I am learning to make links across paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately.
I am learning to use dialogue punctuation accurately.

Yr 7
I am learning to use a range of different planning styles.
I am learning to plan my writing to suit the purpose of my writing.
I am learning to organise my ideas into paragraphs where the ideas are clearly related and
where there are links within and between paragraphs.
I am learning to use basic punctuation accurately in my writing.
I am learning to use complex punctuation to enhance my writing e.g. colons : and

semi-colons ; , and parentheses ().

Success Criteria
I will be successful when I can/have
-summarised the play in three paragraphs
-made links across my paragraphs
-used some basic and complex punctuation correctly (speech marks).
Once you have finished your writing highlight these success criteria green if you have met them
and can show them in your work. Highlight green in your work where you have met these
success criteria.


One day long long ago there lived a demigod named
Maui. One morning Maui went and asked his other
brothers if he could go fishing with them. When his
brother heard this they said, “NO!! You are to
small we might think you are a piece of bate and
throw you to the fish.”Now Maui was angry so he
made a plan to go fishing with his brothers. So in
the morning he carried out his plan. Before the sun
rose up from it's hidey hole Maui went and hid in the
fishing nets in his brothers boat where he could not
be seen.

Not long after Maui heard his brothers hop into the
boat. When Maui thought they were at the right
place Maui let out from his hiding place an said,
“I am here.” “Hay what are you doing here”
said his brothers. Maui did not listen then he said
drop your fishing line down here  my karakia will
call the fish to your lines after these words his
brothers felt fish on their lines.

After that Maui said now it is my turn and he threw
his line into the water with the  jawbone of his
ancestors as the hook. He threw the line out into
the water. Minutes later there was an  enormous bite
and he pulled and pulled. When the fish came to the
surface Maui said that he would not be long and
that he was just getting his hook from the mouth of
the fish. His brothers did not listen. They went and
stabbed the fish and when Maui came back he found
a big lot of bumpy land which is now the North
Island of New Zealand.