Thursday 14 June 2018

My Planet Writing.

Create and Describe Your Own Planet -
Description writing task
Term 2 Weeks 5-6

Purpose of this piece of writing is to:

Learning Intentions
I am learning to use language features to make my writing
interesting and engaging for the reader.
I am learning to use topic-specific vocabulary.
I am learning to include Te Reo Māori words in my writing.

I will be successful when I can show….
-I have used some language features to make my writing
interesting and engaging (simile, metaphor, alliteration,
onomatopoeia, rhyme)
-I have carefully chosen some topic specific words to include in
my writing.
-I have used some Te Reo Māori


We are continuing to look at descriptive writing. This week you are writing a descriptive piece of writing
to promote your imaginary planet. You aim is to convince people to move to your planet. You want your
writing to allow the reader to be able to imagine what it is like on your planet.

First, we will look at an excerpt of a video describing the moon from the Avatar movie.
Click here to get to video= Pandora.

Second, we will discuss together what you will need in your work to make it successful and look at how
to plan our work. Then you will plan your work and check with a teacher before you start writing.

Third, do your piece of writing.

Fourth, complete you piece of writing. Remember to proofread (check spelling and punctuation) and edit
(does it make sense? do you need to change any sentences?) yourself and with a buddy and fill in your
self and peer-assessment. Check it with a teacher.

My Writing.

Rendered Image

Planet Web Wood is a planet of vast danger such as rook falls, ground that gives way
and the bush Lawyer (bush lawyer is a tough vine that has lot of prickles and it wraps
around you and shreds your skin). It is in the Wind Wave Galaxy. The planet is
surprisingly a meteor that crashed in to a faraway marama(moon) that was orbiting a
ghost planet.  When this meteor crashed into this marama it then became a planet and
it bounced back in to the maramas magnetic force. Since then this marama swapped
planets and rotated around planet Web Wood.
Web Wood takes nine to ten years to get to  depending on its rotation. To get there you

can only go on the one and only Earth Star which is like a mini earth. It can carry up
to 94 people and lots of furniture and food. The spaceship is like a nui(big) lounge .
The spaceship is as nui  as Karoro School. It feels like 3 hours when you travel to the

planet in the space ship because of its speed. This space ship warps your sense of time.

Web Wood is made up of vast landscapes such as tropical rainforest, deserts, and lakes.

Beside its danger there is beauty such as  the 6 animal species like the silk skinned dog,
horned monkey, winged dust beetle, triple headed sea snake, headless eels, sky birds. It
also has other things like the extensive water flows. Despite the Acra people and the
sea creatures  all animals are six legged.

The Acra people are the native people to this planet. They use the horned Monkeys and
the silk skinned dog to hunt but it is dangerous because they can get attacked by other

animals such as the sky birds. The Acra hunt with a double sided spear, and a bone
carved bow and arrow. The humans are probably the only people that the Acra people
can interact with.

Beside its danger and beauty there is lots of minerals there. The planet is mined by
humans to take back to earth for furniture and building structures.

By David.


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